Développement d'indicateurs de la qualité biologique et du carbone organique du sol pour l'évaluation de l'état des sols en Wallonie: valorisation des acquis et transfert vers les utilisateurs (CARBIOSOL 5)
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Développement d'indicateurs de la qualité biologique et du carbone organique du sol pour l'évaluation de l'état des sols en Wallonie: valorisation des acquis et transfert vers les utilisateurs (CARBIOSOL 5)
Titre français
Titre anglais
- CHARTIN Caroline
- VINCENT Quentin
- CARNOL Monique
Date ajout
9 avril 2021 17:47
Date modification
9 avril 2021 17:47
Awareness on the magnitude of the effects of human activities on soils, a non-renewable resource at the human timescale, has led policy makers to develop tools for monitoring soil quality. It is in this context that the CARBIOSOL research project was initiated (July 2013 - January 2019, SPW-DGO3 funding). Four previous grants (CARBIOSOL 1 to 4, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017) resulted in measurements soil carbon fractions and biological indicators of soil quality in 415 samples under crops and grasslands. The general objective of this project was to value acquired data and experience by transferring tools (methodologies, databases, interpretation tools) to users (analytic laboratories, managers and farmers). Thirteen indicators of soil biological quality and two soil organic carbon (SOC) fractions were studied. An extended summary addresses the effects of land use (cropland and grassland) and land management (conventional, organic and conservation agriculture) on the indicators, their spatial and seasonal variability, correlations between the indicators, and methods of transfer transferred to users. Data acquired during all CARBIOSOL grants were compiled in a database (DB), called ‘CARBIOSOL’ (available on www.carbiosol.uliege.be).
Two additional DBs were developed for public soil analysis laboratories. The DB ‘REFERENTIEL’ is a formatted version of ‘CARBIOSOL’, allowing its integration into the centralised DB of the public laboratories and the addition of new values. The DB ‘LIBRAIRIE SPECTRALE’ contains values for SOC fractions and Near-Infra Red spectrometry. It is a calibration set for predicting SOC fractions based on NIR spectroscopy analysis of bulk soil.
A “Guide on biological indicators and organic carbon in agricultural soils in Wallonia” was written to inform the personnel of public laboratories on the importance of biological soil quality, the different indicators available, their reference values observed in Walloon soils, and guidelines for interpretation. Further, a detailed analytical protocol is included for each indicator. The guide also presents associated tools, such as the developed databases, cartographic tools and correlations between indicators. Examples of the use of the indicators are provided for different agricultural land management or practices.
This research was funded by the Public Administration of Wallonia (SPW-DGO3).
CRAW tags
- AB - Modalité bio
- FREDO biologie et travail du sol
- FREDO technologie et innovation
- GEO Belgique
- GEO Wallonie
- data base
- indicateurs
- laboratories
- organic carbon
- soil activity
- soil quality
- sol
WEB tags
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