Elicitors of Plant Immunity Triggered by Beneficial Bacteria

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Titre anglais
Elicitors of Plant Immunity Triggered by Beneficial Bacteria
  • PRŠIĆ Jelena
  • ONGENA Marc
Date ajout
6 janvier 2021 16:56
Date modification
3 mars 2021 09:00
Résumé anglais
The molecular basis of plant immunity triggered by microbial pathogens is being well characterized as a complex sequential process leading to the activation of defense responses at the infection site, but which may also be systemically expressed in all organs, a phenomenon also known as systemic acquired resistance. Some plant-associated and beneficial bacteria are also able to stimulate their host to mount defenses against pathogen ingress via the phenotypically similar, induced systemic resistance phenomenon. Induced systemic resistance resembles systemic acquired resistance considering its mechanistic principle as it successively involves recognition at the plant cell surface, stimulation of early cellular immune-related events, systemic signaling via a fine-tuned hormonal cross-talk and activation of defense mechanisms. It thus represents an indirect but efficient mechanism by which beneficial bacteria with biocontrol potential improve the capacity of plants to restrict pathogen invasion. However, according to our current vision, induced systemic resistance is specific considering some molecular aspects underpinning these different steps. Here we overview the chemical diversity of compounds that have been identified as induced systemic resistance elicitors and thereby illustrating the diversity of plants species that are responsive as well as the range of pathogens from the micro- and mesofauna that can be controlled via this phenomenon. We also point out the need for further investigations allowing better understanding how these elicitors are sensed by the host and the diversity and nature of the stimulated defense mechanisms.
CRAW tags
  • AB - Utile à l'AB
  • FREDO santé végétale
  • GEO Belgique
  • GEO Wallonie
  • biocontrôle
WEB tags
  • molecular patterns
  • PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria)
  • plant immunity
  • systemic resistance
  • biocontrol
  • defence mechanism
Titre de la publication
Frontiers in Plant Science
Date caractères
Date publication
1 janvier 2020
10.3389/fpls.2020.594530 Le DOI est une URL unique de référencement d'une publication. Il est donc plus fiable et permanent qu'une URL classique
1664-462X L’ISSN est un code de 8 chiffres servant à identifier les journaux, revues, magazines, périodiques de toute nature et sur tous supports, papier comme électronique.